All of Creation, on all its levels, in this
three-dimensional reality—as well as in the realms of intellect and
spirituality, and those levels beyond our comprehension—are channeled to us
through different conduits or emanations, known as Sefirot or Midoot, which
were revealed to Moishe, the Prophets, and the Sages of blessed memory.
These emanations of Divine energy are
generally presented to us in the form of two primary columns. On one side is
Chesed—Lovingkindness, and on the other, Gevura—Strength or Din
Within this framework, there are other Divine
energies that exist in relation to one another, and each can coexist to some
degree with other energies. For example, some amount of Hod (Glory) or Netzach
(Eternity, Perseverance) can be found within Chesed or Gevura.
Everything we experience in our existence is
ultimately a combination of these energies or emanations. There is no other
source of existence or other channels causing reality known to us, other than
those emanating from The Source.
So, how is evil possible?
We won’t delve into the intricate and broad
discussion of the nature of evil here, as it is a complex topic. For those
interested, I recommend exploring the writings and lectures of Rabbi Akiva
Tatz, who addresses this subject in depth.
For now, we can say that the source of evil
is man himself. It is man who has the power to use and develop these energies
in alignment with the will of the One who provides them to us. However, it is
also man who, by corrupting the powers bestowed upon him through the channels
of Chesed and Din, restricts the flow of Divine energy, allowing evil to
The history of mankind begins with the
description of Creation, followed by certain rules for the created beings,
specifically in the two forms of man. Creation is swiftly followed by man’s
Countless books have been written on this
topic, as it is one of the most potent and foundational. Every word in the
Torah often contains layers of hidden meaning, understood by those who are
carriers of the Torah Shebe’al Peh—the oral tradition. Since much of this
teaching falls within the realm of Kabbalistic tradition, I do not claim
expertise in the specifics of the first sin, but the general understanding is
that it involved sin within the area of promiscuity.
Michtav mi’Eliyahu expands on the topic of
promiscuity in his commentary on Parshas Lech Lecha. Rav Dessler, building on
teachings from the Baal Shem Tov and the verse in Leviticus (20:17), writes:
“A person whose main quality is Chesed is in danger
that, he may spend more money than he can afford. Then, he will borrow from
others and spend it in turn. Eventually it will be found that his excessive
desire to do Chesed was counterproductive, for it led him to cause others loss
because he could not repay his debts. There is also the possibility that he
will eventually "be merciful to the cruel," leading to "cruelty
to the merciful," as we find in the example of Shaul Ha-melech. There is
also another more insidious danger that, by becoming accustomed to acceding to
everyone's requests, he may then come to accede to the demands of the yetzer
hara. This is why certain forbidden marriages are referred to as Chesed (The
whole institution of marriage is, of course, a great Chesed. Through it, people
bestow a great bounty on mankind by allowing a new generation to emerge. But
when this deviates from the bounds set down by Creator, by a person acting
simply to gratify his desires or by way of sin, God forbid, then it is called
"the Chesed of defilement.") Such is the lot of Chesed, which is not
limited by the quality of Gevura.” (Strive for Truth)
The aveira (sin) in this verse, one of many
within the category of Giluy Arayos (forbidden sexual relations), is a
corrupted form of the Middah of Chesed. There are also other Aveiros out of
this category which Rav Desler considers as corrupted Chesed.
The second sin in the history of humanity is
the act of violence, which results in the death of Hevel, one of the first two
sons of Adam and Chava.
I once heard in a shiur that the Vilna Gaon
teaches that even anger is a corrupted form of Din. It’s needless to say that
violence is simply anger taken to its extreme. Rav Dessler explores this same
concept in his writings.
On an individual level, violence manifests as
anger, stealing, harm, jealousy, physical and verbal abuse, and many other
forms of destructive behavior. On a societal scale, personal anger, stemming
from the inflated egos of political leaders or fanatics, can lead entire groups
or nations into violence. The "Hunters of the tongue," as Nimrod and
Esav are described, manipulate societies to conquer, oppress, humiliate, and
control through force, surveillance, or social engineering, leading to violence,
death, and destruction.
Violence is a corrupted form of Gevura/Din,
and it is often presented as an act of justice. Indeed, justice itself can
sometimes be perceived as an act of violence—but even the greatest acts of
violence in history are almost always framed as acts of justice.
This corrupt form of Din is a topic I will
return to in many of my future essays, Be’ezras Hashem.
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