Sorry if I disappointed my steady readers by not posting lat week but my latest editor took well deserved vacation and without editing I’m really afraid if my writings are being understood. That’s also why this week post, is mostly made out of pictures and not usual long sentences.
Maybe some of you will enjoy it better than my long hard like a stones posts. J
Have easy reading and even easier watching.
Does anybody remember this picture of Neanderthal man, that’s how the priests of cult called “science” (do not mistake with science) pictured him 140 years ago in order to fit him in to the theory of evolution.
This monkeys – Neanderthals were to be considered to be our direct ancestors, our - the Homo sapiens.
Than Neanderthal became separate specie which at some moment of evolutionary ‘History’ lost its competition with Homo sapiens. Actually later theories supposed the man as a guilty of mass murder performed on Neanderthals, guys with stronger body and bigger brain than Homo sapiens.
The newest research based on DNA unknown when most of the reconstructions of Neanderthal were made shows that big part of humanity has genes of those people, people because they were people and no more or less than just that. Meanwhile few generations were fed with fuzz about Neanderthals, illustrated with the picture like below which actually was hanging in my biology class room among other “ancestors” Human beings.
According to today’s reconstructions they were looking like this 'old Asian' man
and they use to have children as good looking as this one.
Amazing evolution from the first picture to this one, isn’t it?
Matys Weiser
P.S. If anyone would see the picture of me from my hippie period, I was looking more ‘Neanderthal’ than most of modern reconstruction of Neanderthal man, at my age of 17 J.
We like to see your picture as Neanderthal :).
Sorry, don't have any.
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